Thursday, July 13, 2006

July 13, 2006a

The work of the gospel… Yesterday, the work of the Gospel looked like hours of washing dishes and then clothes by hand. It looked like making tea (boiling milk, adding water & sugar and boiling again) for unexpected visitors from Nairobi. It looked like attending and speaking at a memorial service for our neighbor who died. And lastly the work of the Gospel looked like making dinner so that those who were not feeling well could rest.
I have been reflecting how the work of the Gospel (whether if I am at home, or on the foreign mission field) is more about living life moment-by-moment in Jesus’ likeness rather than solely the speaking/evangelistic/discipleship opportunities. Those opportunities are blessings to be apart of, but they should flow out of my moment-by-moment life lived in Jesus’ likeness. Life is still very much life, whether lived in Bellevue, Washington or in North Kinagop, Kenya. It has its daily responsibilities, most of which are exactly the same (however they are carried out differently). Although the work of the Gospel looks different every day, the underlining current is the same: living moment-by-moment in Jesus’ likeness, making the most of every opportunity that comes.
When you have many hours to think while scrubbing clothes, there are many topics that cross my mind. If I had half of the discipline and desire Jonathan Edwards had to capture his thoughts, I too would have jackets full of notes about theological musings. But I lack the desire/discipline, and the resources to write each thought on paper and pin it to myself.


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