Monday, August 14, 2006

God’s Peace

Marsabit Report

Last week was a powerful week! I traveled with a little over 70 Africans to Marsabit (Northeastern part of Kenya) for a mission trip to unreached tribes. As we were meeting with the local people, they didn’t know that they were Kenyans. They thought we came from Kenya to minister to them. This area of Kenya is known for violence; violence between two neighboring countries and between the tribes that converge in this spot. The message and hope we brought was that reconciliation and true peace is possible, only through the Lord Jesus Christ. Our team of 70+ was a demonstration of this reconciliation. We had almost all 42 tribes represented on our team, we had multiple countries, and we have both soldiers and civilians. Before we could minister, God had to work on our team. The first night there the soldiers began the process of forgiveness and reconciliation by taking responsibility and apologizing for all of the bad/horrible experiences people have had with the military/police. This then prompted the elders of each of the tribes to stand and seek forgiveness (and take responsibility) for their own tribes interactions with other tribes. It was a powerful way to begin the week. As the week continued, we provided medical camps, food distribution, door-to-door (more like hut-to-hut) evangelism and open-air meetings. The whole week I spent at the medical camps. Don’t worry, I wasn’t pretending to be a doctor… although many thought I was b/c I am white… I worked in the pharmacy with the drugs and with speaking to people individually. However, what I was told my most important ministry (after the fact) was smiling. Now, I like that ministry!!!

We are just about to loose power for the day… so I will make this short. I leave in an hour to head back up country for my last two weeks. I have come to love dearly these people and will miss them greatly. Please pray for strength as I say goodbye and that I have wisdom of how to best spend each moment I have left.

Thank you so much for joining with me this summer. I truly have felt encouraged and uplifted by all your prayers, emails and letters. I am so blessed to have each of you in my life!

See you all in a few weeks! Tami


Blogger arpiro said...

Sounds amazing. Hope your trip is going wonderfully. I leave in a few days, but I'll be back at the end of September so I'll stop in and say hi. Keep up the good work.
Love Always,

1:26 AM  

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