Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Coming Home!

In a few hours I board a plane to come back to Washington. As I sit here, I am amazed at how quickly these three months have passed. I am so thankful for this time, for the relationships that have formed and what the Lord has been teaching me.

Saying goodbye to all of the people here has had its challenges. It is not appropriate in Kenyan culture to cry. Knowing this, I was praying that God would give me strength not to shed one tear (which could only happen by the hand of God!). The church I was serving in hosted a farewell ceremony, as each person came forward to say goodbye I saw their tears and knew that God was giving me strength and the freedom to express how much each person has meant to me. It is hard to say goodbye to those to whom you've grown attached, especially when you do not know if the Lord intends you to ever see each other again, this side of heaven.

For the last two days (Monday & Today), I have been in Nairobi preparing to leave the country. I am so thankful for the mission agency I am with. Much of the time has been spent informally debriefing. As I get ready to leave, I feel prepared. Prepared to leave the country and prepared to come home, for their support I am grateful.

Although I leave tonight at 10:05pm (Kenyan time), I will not arrive to Seattle until late Thursday evening (Long days of travel). However, this means that I will see most of you on Sunday at church (well, that is if you are not camping over this holiday weekend)!

I am excited to see all of you and thank you in person. I also find myself looking forward to hearing what’s been going on for each of you these past few months.

May you each have a blessed week, and I will SEE you on SUNDAY!!!

Grace & Love,


Blogger arpiro said...

Yay you'll be home when I come home for a few days! I just sent you an email. I'd love to see you! I miss you!

2:13 AM  

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