Tami Dale

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Prayer Support Letter

Hello Family & Friends~

The time has finally come, I’m going to Africa.

Quick update on my life… Currently, I am working at Crossroads Bible Church as the Director of Student Women’s Ministry. I’ve been on staff at CBC for about four years. Through the various ministries (Jr High, High School and College) I have the opportunity to meet with (counsel, mentor, teach, disciple, encourage) amazing young women. As I challenge them to walk in obedience to the Lord, keeping Him the chief affection of their hearts, simultaneously the Lord continues to challenge me on the same principles: To Love God with all of my heart and walk in obedience in every area of my life. I enjoy and love the young women to whom I minister, and cannot wait to see how God uses them to change this world, as they continue to walk in obedience.

Where I find myself now… As I have tried to love God with all my heart and walk in obedience to Him (some days doing better than others), there is one area of passion that has grown exponentially since the day God got a hold of my heart. This area is Africa. In particular, working with women and children who are hurting from various traumas (i.e. HIV/AIDS, war, famine…). Through a series of events this past year, the Lord brought me to a place where I strongly desire to go, experience and see if the Lord is directing me to become a fulltime missionary to Africa. As a result, the elders have granted a three-month leave-of-absence, for the purpose of praying through this decision. (We have AMAZING elders at CBC, not just because of this, but they are godly men who do so much for each of us, so thank one if you have the chance).

What this summer holds for me… As of June 1st, I will be heading to Africa for three months, as a short-term SIM (Serving in Missions) missionary. This trip will grant me the opportunity to experience African culture, meet & minister to women and children, and pray through my desire to reach the lost in this cross-cultural setting.

Would you consider joining me? If there is one thing I’ve learned about missions it is the importance of PRAYER. Would you consider praying for me while I prepare and while I am ministering in Kenya? To be covered in prayer is my heart’s desire as I embark on these summer months.

For those who are more of the bullet point types, here are the details:
Location: East of Naivasha, Kenya
Living with David & Phyllis (Nationals involved in ministry)
Duration: June 1-September 1, 2006
Mission Agency: Serving In Missions (www.sim.org)

Prayer Points:
1. Most of the ministry I will be involved in will be decided once I arrive. Please pray for discernment and the Lord’s direction. There are so many options, that it will be difficult to know which specific ways the Lord wants me to spend the time I have in Kenya.
2. Financial costs. The reality is that summer is fast approaching and the fundraising deadline is May 1st!! This is a lot of money and I don’t like talking about money. Pray that I would rest in the knowledge that God provides.
3. That the Lord would use this mission trip to change my heart. Specifically, that He would increase my desire and love of Himself and my love and compassion for others.

Thank you so much for being apart of this journey called life. Know that I am so thankful for each of you and the impact you all have had on my life!

To God Be the Glory! Love,

Tami Dale

“For I am confident of this very thing, He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”
~Philippians 1:6