Tami Dale

Friday, July 21, 2006


ONE~ Mombassa
It was great to travel to the warm coast of Kenya for the weekend. We spent the weekend south of Mombassa in the town of Diani. It is a small coastal city and it is paradise. White sandy beaches, very few people and good food. Now the only problem is that I had a fever (39.8 c) the majority of the time we were there. Even though I had a fever, it was a blessing to be in such a warm place. I cannot imagine what this would have been like if I was still up country in the below freezing temperatures and no way to heat the house and have a fever. It was a true gift to be in such a beautiful and warm place.

Last week I reported we had the opportunity to fulfill my childhood dream of swimming with dolphins. Well, it still is my dream. The day we were out on the boat there was a storm on the Indian Ocean, so it was unsafe for us to get into the water with the dolphins. However, it was impressive to be so close to the wild dolphins. As a 2nd place prize we were able to snorkel at a reef that is in the middle of the ocean. It was beautiful!!!

TWO~ Week of rest & reflection & doctor’s visits…
After coming back to Nairobi, I had some stomach problems. So I can now personally testify about the Kenyan medicine. Fortunately they use western drugs, so I am feeling better now. Having a few days where I had to stay very immobile was a mixed blessing.
It provided the time to be still before the Lord and for that I am grateful. This summer is going by very fast and I want to make the most of every opportunity provided. There are many items/topics this week provided time to reflect on, they are to numerous to mention here but thank you for praying. I do feel refreshed. I am ready to head back up-country for the next 5 weeks, in large part due to the restfulness of the past few days.

THREE~ Mission trip to Northern Kenya
August 6th-11th, I will be heading to Marissabit (northern tribal area in Kenya) as a part of a mission trip to an un-reached tribe with members of the church that I am working with. The church’s passion for those who have yet to hear the gospel in Kenya is humbling. There will be a group of us traveling for two days to reach these people. We will be bringing food supplies (the effects of the drought are still present for them) and some medical supplies. The week long out reach will be preaching the gospel, treating simple medical ailments and feedings. This is an incredible opportunity to minister alongside Kenyans as they bring the Gospel to their own countrymen who have never heard of Jesus. As the Lord lays it on your heart, please pray for this mission trip (safety, hearts of the people we are going to reach, and for our own hearts-that God would use this in mighty ways).

Thursday, July 13, 2006


This is a Phyllis! Not only is she my host sister-in-Christ, she is also the local pastor I am serving with this summer.

These are children from a local orphanage. We are making 'cartoon faces' (the kenyan equlivant of funny faces)!

God's Abundant Blessings!

July 13, 2006 b

This evening (mid-day for you) I find myself in Nairobi at the SIM compound. An opportunity opened up on Tuesday for me to join a group of SIM lady missionaries in Mombassa (a coastal city in Kenya) for the weekend. We will leave tomorrow night and take the night bus (8-10hrs). We will take time to rest, journal, read, reflect and swim with the dolphins… yes, I did say swim with the dolphins! This is one activity I have always wanted to do and God is providing a surprise opportunity!! Not only is it a blessing to be going to a beautiful coastal city, but it is also a WARM (90 degree) coastal city. I am looking forward to thawing out! It is also a blessing because, I love reading the Word and journaling in the warmth of the sun and that is something that is hard to find even in Nairobi (it’s the coldest/rainiest month of the year right now).

For the last two days, I wrestled with whether or not to go to Mombassa. It would mean taking two days off of ministry. Two days to not visit those dying from AIDS, two days not to play with the orphans, two days not to teach about God to the youth… two days… I found myself wrestling with feelings of guilt, feeling like why should I take this time to rest somewhere so nice? Yet, I need rest. Since arriving in Kenya, I’ve had three days off. A little over a week ago I began to realize how much I needed time to seek the face of the Lord. Not the daily time of seeking Him, but the ‘come away with me’ and bask in my presence type of time with the Lord. As I was hungry for the time with the Lord, I didn’t know how it was going to happen. Then I receive a message on Tuesday asking if I would join the group. God provides even the rest I need.

Recent Praises:
1. Time to Rest
2. Mombassa Trip- I get to be in warm weather and swim with dolphins!
3. Words to Speak-everywhere I’ve been required to speak, God has given me words to say, especially this week with our neighbor’s memorial services.
4. Very few bugs (even mosquitoes)!!! Between the few heavy frosts and consistent temperatures just around freezing at the nighttime, these have taken care of our insect population.

Specific Prayer requests:
1. Solid rest in the Lord. It is easy to be distracted from truly seeking the face of God in times of rest.
2. Good fellowship with fellow missionaries.
3. Safety. I am learning the times my life seems to be most at risk is any time I enter a vehicle. The majority of drivers here are relatively inexperienced and even if they do have good experience and skill, most likely the ones around them don’t. Please pray for safety when traveling, not simply to Mombassa, but for any time I get into a vehicle.

Thank you so much for your prayers! I cannot express how much it means to me to know you are going to God on my behalf. Two weeks ago, I wrote all the names of those that have stated they are praying for me in the back page of my journal. It was a time when I needed encouragement and the Lord provided by looking at all of your names. I am so fortunate to be supported, cared for and prayed for by each of you. Thank You!!!

July 13, 2006a

The work of the gospel… Yesterday, the work of the Gospel looked like hours of washing dishes and then clothes by hand. It looked like making tea (boiling milk, adding water & sugar and boiling again) for unexpected visitors from Nairobi. It looked like attending and speaking at a memorial service for our neighbor who died. And lastly the work of the Gospel looked like making dinner so that those who were not feeling well could rest.
I have been reflecting how the work of the Gospel (whether if I am at home, or on the foreign mission field) is more about living life moment-by-moment in Jesus’ likeness rather than solely the speaking/evangelistic/discipleship opportunities. Those opportunities are blessings to be apart of, but they should flow out of my moment-by-moment life lived in Jesus’ likeness. Life is still very much life, whether lived in Bellevue, Washington or in North Kinagop, Kenya. It has its daily responsibilities, most of which are exactly the same (however they are carried out differently). Although the work of the Gospel looks different every day, the underlining current is the same: living moment-by-moment in Jesus’ likeness, making the most of every opportunity that comes.
When you have many hours to think while scrubbing clothes, there are many topics that cross my mind. If I had half of the discipline and desire Jonathan Edwards had to capture his thoughts, I too would have jackets full of notes about theological musings. But I lack the desire/discipline, and the resources to write each thought on paper and pin it to myself.