Tami Dale

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Two Days to Go!

The last few days have been a whirlwind. I find myself at a loss for words to express my gratitude and thankfulness for each of you. I praise God for the encouragement and love you have given to me. Standing and looking out over the sea of faces, faces of people I care deeply for, and seeing you pray for me, made Sunday one of the most powerful experiences in my Christian walk. Thank you. I am humbled and honored at all of your support, love and care. I am blessed to call each of you friend!

Some have asked for contact information while I am in Kenya. There will be two ways to contact me. First is by snail mail. For those who haven’t experienced this type of mail in a while, I’m told this is where you use a writing implement (i.e. pen, pencil, crayon, lemon juice…) and write words on a piece of paper, fold it and put it in an envelope. Here’s the address: (it will take 10+ days to get to me)

Tami Dale
PO Box 60875
00200 City Square
Nairobi, Kenya

The second form of communication is email. The address I will be using is:
daletk@hotmail.com I probably will only be able to access email once in three weeks (no electricity!). So updates and/or responses will not be rapid in coming.

Thank you again for all of your love, encouragement and support. I am again reminded that I am not going to Africa alone, but I am going with you all. Here are a few ways you can be praying for me specifically:

Bullet Point Praise
• for the Finances- the Lord has sufficiently covered all of the needs for this trip
• for the outpouring of love from the Body of Christ at CBC
• for the precious times with the student women this past month!

Bullet Point Prayer Requests:
o for my visa to arrive (by Thursday at 1pm-my flight time)
o for safe travel - (I leave SEA 1pm, June 1st ; Arrive Kenya 7:30pm June 2nd)
o for the relationships with the Kenyans, especially with Phyllis (host family)
o for the first 2 days in Nairobi where we will be finalizing the details of the ministry for the summer (their winter).

In His Love, Tami