Tami Dale

Friday, October 13, 2006

Hometown Greetings


For those who still might be checking this site… THANK YOU so much for your prayers and support this summer and as I have returned.

The ‘re-entry’ to American lifestyle has been harder than I had anticipated. Coming back I know I am different. Different because of the events and experiences that God has allowed for me. Even though I am different, I also have found that very few things are the same as when I left them. Honestly, it’s left me in a bit of a state of shock. Although it’s been difficult, there also have been MANY hilarious situations. A good sense of humor has helped incredibly (Thank You Lord!) as I have struggled to become American again.

I’m writing to ask for your prayers. Today I leave to spend 5 days with my family on the East Coast, most of whom I have not seen in a long time. I am really looking forward to spending time with them. After arriving back on Wednesday, I will spend the following few days seeking God’s Face to discern ‘what He wants me to do with my life’ (or at least these next few years). In particular if the Lord wants me to go as a full-time missionary to Africa. I am excited and nervous for what the Lord will show me. As the Lord prompts, I would covet your prayers for discernment in HIS direction!

Again, I am so thankful for your faithful prayers over the summer and I look forward to sharing with you how God directs!:-)

In His Love,